Entrance to Bowali Visitor Centre

Entrance to Bowali Visitor Centre

Friday 7 January 2022

Kakadu National Park has closed the Bowali Visitor Centre and the Information Centre at the Mary River Ranger Station to help reduce the risk of COVID impacting staff and the local community.

We apologise for any inconvenience to travellers and will continue to provide updates as the situation progresses.

Please continue to follow the directions of the NT Chief Health Officer, particularly in relation to the recently announced Territory-wide lockout and the latest public exposure sites.

Parks Australia is committed to taking appropriate precautionary measures to protect the health of all concerned and the wellbeing of our staff and the local community continues to be our first priority.

For visitors exploring Kakadu’s outdoor sites, please ensure you check-in wherever QR codes are available and maintain social distancing at all times.

To stay informed of the latest COVID-19 health advice for the Northern Territory please visit coronavirus.nt.gov.au/updates.

For daily updates about access around Kakadu National Park, including the Bowali Visitor Centre, visit Kakadu Access Report.

Travellers need to keep up to date with where they can travel as the COVID-19 situation in Australia is continually evolving.