Have your say on Booderee’s future
The Director of National Parks (DNP) is inviting public comments on the development of a new 10-year management plan for Booderee National Park.
Booderee is Aboriginal land and waters owned by the Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council (WBACC) and leased to the Commonwealth. Booderee is jointly managed as a national park by the DNP and WBACC through a Board of Management.
The Booderee National Park Management Plan 2015-2025 will expire on 19 November 2025. Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) the DNP and the Booderee National Park Board of Management are required to prepare a new management plan for the park.
The purpose of the new plan is to describe the direction and management actions of Booderee for the next 10 years.
Key areas for consideration during this stage of public consultation include:
What do you think are important priorities for Booderee National Park over the next 10 years?
What are the key values of Booderee National Park that you want to see preserved and protected into the future?
What do you think might be important challenges for Booderee National Park over the next 10 years?
Are there areas where you would like to see more focus in the next management plan? For example, should there be more focus on science and research, education, tourism, and managing threats to the park’s natural and cultural values?
Responses received during the public consultation stage will be considered by the Director of National Parks and will inform the drafting of a new 10-year management plan. There will be a second stage of public consultation when the draft management plan is released.
In preparation for developing a new management plan, the Director of National Parks sought an independent evaluation of the 2015-2025 management plan (PDF) to provide recommendations that will assist to develop a new and effective management plan.
Public comments can be submitted through the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 'Have Your Say’ portal between Wednesday 25 September to Friday 25 October. https://consult.dcceew.gov.au/.