Tuesday 29 March 2022

The Director of National Parks is pleased to announce that on 25 March 2022 a decision was made as to the selection of a preferred tenderer for the role of a Project Services Consultant (PSC), following a competitive tender process.

The procurement process was initiated in mid-2021 to appoint a PSC to partner with Parks Australia to deliver a range of critical asset upgrades and new infrastructure works at Kakadu National Park, Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park and Booderee National Park.

The selection of a preferred Tenderer for the PSC role follows the January 2019 announcement of $216m for Growing Tourism in Kakadu, the July 2020 announcement of $233m for Critical Asset Renewal, and consideration of several spending approvals under these programs by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works.

The PSC will provide specialist skills, expertise and dedicated resources to work with Parks Australia’s staff and Traditional Owners to ensure the successful planning and delivery of a package of works worth almost $200m.

The Director of National Parks will publicly announce the successful tenderer via Austender when an agreement is finalised, noting that entry into any contract will be subject to the satisfactory outcome of negotiations (if required).