Jabiru handover
Commonwealth Government representatives and the Director of National Parks Jody Swirepik joined Traditional Owners on Saturday, 26 June 2021 in a ceremony to hand over the Kakadu township of Jabiru to the Mirarr People.
The township of Jabiru was originally built to support the Ranger uranium mine. It will now become a hub to support Kakadu tourism with significant investment from the Federal and Northern Territory Governments.
The formal handover represents months of good faith negotiations by all parties and reflects a long-term government commitment to return the town to Traditional Owners.
Senior Mirarr Traditional Owner Yvonne Margarula said this was a great day for Mirarr people.
“The handing back of the Jabiru township to the Mirarr Traditional Owners recognises our land rights here and will give us a foundation for economic independence,” Ms Margarula said.
“We are excited for the future of Jabiru and for the future of all our people.”