Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

Muur-muurpa, desert bloodwood, is one of the tallest trees in the park. The bloodwood gets its name from its stunning, dark red sap, which resembles blood.

This species has a thick, rough bark that helps protect it from fire. It drops some of its branches during harsh times, reducing the energy it needs to survive.

In traditional times, Anangu made antiseptic gum from muur-muurpa by peeling off the red sap, grinding and mixing it with water, then applying it to cuts and sores. The sap can also be used in an inhalant for coughs and colds.

Wood from the branches is still used today for making wooden tools like bowls. The thick bark is also great for quickly and easily making light bowls for short term use.

Scientific name

Corymbia terminalis

Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara name
