Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

The desert quandong tree grows up to four metres high and is highly prized for its distinctive red fruit.

Quandong are a favourite food of camels, which have significantly reduced the number of desert quandong trees in the Northern Territory. The species is now listed as vulnerable in the Territory.


Desert quandong has many traditional uses for Anangu.

The fruit is extremely high in vitamins and can be eaten straight off the tree or made into cakes for later use.

The large, oily kernels can be crushed to make an all-natural hair conditioner or a powerful medicine to treat bruises and skin conditions. Kernels are also made into ceremonial necklaces or used by children to play a game similar to marbles.

Scientific name

Santalum acuminatum

Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara name
