Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

The splendid fairy-wren has a long tail and grows to about 13 cm.

These birds are generally pale brown and buff beneath, with the male displaying a blue wash on his wings and tail and the female a pale red line running from beak to eye.

But during the breeding season (September–December), the male grows magnificent cobalt-blue plumage with a sky-blue crown and cheeks. He will start to pluck pink or purple petals to impress females as part of his courtship display.

These active birds eat mostly insects, moving around with a series of jaunty bounces. They are usually seen together in family groups.

You are likely to see splendid fairy-wrens on the Uluru base walk or the Mala walk to Kantju Gorge.

Scientific name

Malurus splendens

Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara name
