Christmas Island National Park

Frequently asked questions about Christmas Island

How do I get to Christmas Island?

You can fly, sail or cruise to Christmas Island. Find out more about getting here.

What’s the local language?

As an Australian territory, Christmas Island’s official language is English.

However, a range of other languages are spoken in the island’s multicultural community, including Chinese and Malay.

How do I get around Christmas Island?

Christmas Island’s land area is 135 km², so exploring the national park and surrounds is easiest with a vehicle.

Many of the tracks around the island are 4WD only, so it’s best to hire a vehicle with off-road capabilities.

Find out more about getting around Christmas Island

Can I charge my portable devices?

Yes. Christmas Island’s electricity system uses: 220 – 240v 50Hz. Depending on which country you’re travelling from, you may need to purchase an adapter.

What currency is used?

Australian dollar (AUD).

What’s the shopping like?

You can buy all the essentials, a range of duty-free items and plenty of souvenirs to take home.

Can I go fishing?

Christmas Island is a fantastic year-round fishing destination. The swell season can limit offshore fishing opportunities from December to April, but that’s also when land-based fishing is at it’s best.

Can I go scuba diving?

Yes. With pristine coral reefs and vast drop-offs, Christmas Island has some of the best diving in the world.

Can I go snorkelling?

Snorkelling is a must! Coral reefs surround the entire island, making it easy to find world-class snorkelling opportunities.

What are my chances of seeing a red crab?

Very good – there an estimated 100 million red crabs on the island.

How many people live on Christmas Island?

Approximately 2000.