Christmas Island National Park

The common noddy is the smallest of Christmas Island’s seabirds. Males and females are identical, with dark-brown bodies and pale grey caps.

Common noddies skim over the surface of the ocean before making a shallow dive to catch fish and squid.

There are around 5,000 breeding pairs on Christmas Island. They nest in colonies, building nests of seaweed, grass and twigs in sea-cliff crevices and trees along the coastal terrace. They produce a single egg at a time.

Most of the island’s noddies are migratory, only nesting on the island from April to September. However, some of these birds are sedentary, nesting on the north coast from November to March.

The common noddy is also known as the brown noddy and noddy tern.

Where to see them

You’ll see common noddies around the port area, roosting on cliffs, buoys and mooring lines. They can also be seen at Lily Beach and Greta Beach.

Scientific name

Anous stolidus