Australian National Botanic Gardens

The Gardens are an outdoor classroom for everyone. Schools are welcome to wander and learn at their own pace.

There is no charge for school groups to visit the Gardens and explore. However, bookings are essential for safety reasons.

Book online

You can now book online and check availability for programs with Book Canberra Excursions. For urgent enquiries or changes to bookings within the next two weeks please contact or call 02 6250 9408.

We also have a range of resource material that self-guided groups can use to explore the Gardens.

Whether you have a curriculum to follow or just want to enjoy a day in the great outdoors, a teacher-guided visit is the perfect way for your school to explore the Gardens.

Ideas for teacher guided programs

Eucalyptus youngiana flower

Adaptation of Australian plants

How have Australian plants adapted to our many different climates? Visit the Gardens to find out!

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Lino prints of native Australian plants by Patrick Clarke, Jarrod Koch, Katie Jayne O’Brien, Zac Elliot and Sadie Grant Butler

Top draw – drawing Aussie flora

Botanical art meets scientific study in this hands-on drawing activity.

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Who did that.

Who Did That? Children’s Trail

An interactive trail of tracks and traces that will get the imagination working.

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