Booderee National Park

Common bronzewing Common bronzewing. Credit: 0ystercatcher

This large, plump, grey-brown and very common pigeon with a metallic sheen on its wings grows up to 36 centimetres. Males of the species have pale yellow foreheads and pink breasts and both sexes have pretty metallic patches of red, blue and green on their wings.


You’ll see the common bronzewings feeding in almost every habitat at Booderee. The birds like to drink frequently, and visit waterholes during day or night - so you are most likely to see them near fresh water waterholes at the Botanic Gardens or the waterholes on the headland walks.

They are shy and wary birds - the clatter of departing wing beats is often all you’ll hear as they swiftly fly away, keeping low to the ground. You may be lucky enough to spot this bird alone or in a pair on the Telegraph Creek Nature Trail.


Common bronzewings feed on seeds and other vegetable matter on the ground, either alone or in small parties.


To nest, the bronzewing create a small twig platform, either under a bush on the ground or in a low bush or tree. Both parents incubate the creamy-white eggs and share the care of the naked and helpless young birds. Like other pigeons, the bronzewings secrete a special milk-like substance from their crop, which is fed to the young chicks.


Listen for a low thrumming ooom oom which carries quite a distance.