Booderee National Park

Eastern reef egret Eastern reef egret. Credit: June Anderson

The eastern reef egret is a rare resident of Booderee, and on top of that it’s also hard to spot. Although it’s a large bird, growing up to 70 centimetres long, its beautiful charcoal grey plumage makes it difficult to spot against the dark rocks.


This beautiful, charcoal grey bird is a rare resident at Booderee. You may spot it near rocky headlands in the park but it is well camouflaged against its landscape. Try to spot our resident nesting pair at the Murrays breakwall!


Rather than actively chasing its prey the egret tends to sit and observe when hunting. Keep your eyes peeled to spot it around the park’s rocky headlands. You’re most likely to see it hunting stealthily, by day or night, crouching low over shallow water and rock pools to snatch small fish, crustaceans and insects.


The egrets generally build a stick platform in trees to nest in, but will nest on the ground under shrubs or rock ledges if no trees are available. They breed throughout the year, nesting in single pairs or in small colonies. Both sexes incubate the eggs and the young remain in the nest for up to six weeks.


Listen out for their calls - a loud croaking sound.