Booderee National Park

Eastern spinebill Eastern spinebill

Easily distinguished by its long, very finely curved bill, the spinebill is around 15 centimetres long and has a dark grey-brown head and back, a predominantly white bib and a chestnut underside.


You’ll see the spinebill in the park throughout the year, on any walk in forest, woodland or heath.


Eastern spinebills love to feast on the nectar of grevilleas and other long, tubular flowers where they perch or hover as they eat. Like all nectar feeding birds, they especially love red flowers.


Nests can be hard to spot - they are small constructions of grass, moss, hair and cobwebs, built in a tree fork. The female builds the nest and incubates the eggs, but both parents feed the young.


Listen for short, quick piping, or softer cheeping.