Booderee National Park

Eastern yellow robin Eastern yellow robin

The pretty little eastern yellow robin is a medium sized robin, growing to 16 centimetres. It has a grey head, back, wings and tail and a bright yellow underbelly and rump.


Eastern yellow robins can be found in most areas of the park but you are more likely to see them close to freshwater areas. There is a seat on the Telegraph Creek Nature Trail for you to perch whilst you wait: if you’re quiet enough, you may be able to watch this bird fluttering around the water looking for insects.


The eastern yellow robin hunts by waiting quietly, perched on low branches and then swooping down to the ground to catch insects and spiders. It normally feeds alone, but sometimes you’ll see it in a pair or small group. It is a bold bird and may come up quite close to you to see what is going on.


The female robin builds a nest high up in an upright tree fork. She weaves a cup of bark and lichen strips, bound with cobwebs and lined with finer soft material and leaves. She incubates the eggs, but both parents - and sometimes other helpers - care for the young. Breeding pairs may lay up to three clutches of eggs.


A simple whistling tewp tewp in the morning and commonly a plain piping in the late afternoon and evening.