Booderee National Park

Masked lapwing Masked lapwing. Credit: 0ystercatcher

A long-legged wading bird, the masked lapwing is well-named, and easy to identify, thanks to its brilliant yellow facial wattle which looks just like a mask. It is mainly white below with brown wings and a black cap.


The masked lapwings love nothing more than spending the day picking through marshes, mudflats, beaches and grasslands. You’ll see them in many areas of Booderee including Greenpatch camping and picnic areas. 


The masked lapwings are not terribly fussy about who they eat with, or where. You’ll see them happily feeding alone, in a pair or a small flock, grabbing insects, larvae and worms.


Nests are a careless structure - a patch of ground scraped clear and sparsely lined with droppings, rocks or twigs. Both sexes incubate the eggs and care for the young birds, who are born with a full covering of down and are able to leave the nest a few hours after hatching. However, the parents vigorously defend the nests, swooping and dive bombing any intruder.


Calls can be a quick keer-kik-ki-ki and they sometimes trill krrr upon landing.