Booderee National Park

Pied oystercatcher
The pied oystercatcher is easily recognised by its long orange-red bill which grows to between five and eight centimetres. It has slender pink legs and black and white plumage.


You’ll see these oystercatchers foraging in a pair or small group along muddy shorelines such as Bherwerre Beach. They are shy birds and will seldom allow close approach.

Beach users and foxes are among the threats to this bird. It has declined throughout southern Australia and is declared an endangered species in NSW.


Look for these waders using their long, blade-like beak to pry open molluscs or stab beach worms.


Pied oystercatchers breed in pairs, building simple nests in a scrape in the sand, often amongst seaweed, shells and small stones. Both sexes share parenting duties and defending the breeding territory.


They utter a loud pita-peep and can also be heard piping while in flight.