Booderee National Park

Rainbow lorikeet 

This medium sized parrot grows to 30 centimetres and is easily identified by its bright multi-coloured markings - bright green on the back with a blue head, red bill, yellow to red chest and blue belly.


Rainbow lorikeets tend to follow flowering trees around the countryside and can appear at Booderee - and disappear again! - depending on what trees are flowering. You will always see our resident flocks of lorikeets at the Greenpatch day use area.

These noisy raucous parrots will hurtle past like rockets in loud, fast-moving flocks. They may be found anywhere in the park with large established trees, are quite tame and may approach you.


The lorikeets’ piercing screech in flight is replaced by a gentler chattering as they feed on nectar, pollen, fruits, and seeds. These savvy feeders are adept at finding flowering trees - so we ask that you don’t feed them as they will then become dependent on humans for food, suffering in winter when fewer people are visiting.


Rainbow lorikeets prefer to nest fairly high up in tree hollows. Both sexes prepare the nest cavity and feed the young, but only the female incubates the eggs.


The call is commonly screeching and chattering. They are also known to talk and imitate.