Booderee National Park

Silvereye Silvereye. Credit: 0ystercatcher

This common small bird has a conspicuous ring of white feathers around the eye. Growing up to only 13 centimetres, it has a green head and wings, with the rest of the body a greyish colour, with grey legs and feet. During winter you may see individuals with reddish sides which are migrants from Tasmania.


Look for the silvereyes hopping around either singly or in small groups in any areas with trees or heath. In winter you’ll see these birds in large flocks. Although they are among Australia’s smallest birds, the silvereyes are capable of travelling great distances during migration.


Silvereyes feed on insects, nectar and fruit.


Nests are small, neatly woven cups of grass bound with hair and cobwebs found in low forks of vines or trees. Both sexes construct the nest and incubate the bluish-green eggs. Two to three clutches may be raised in a good season and will be actively defended.


The silvereye has a variety of calls, ranging from a loud tsee to warbling and giggling. Sometimes the call includes mimicry.