Booderee National Park

Sooty oystercatcher Sooty oystercatcher

The aptly named sooty oystercatcher is Australia’s only all black shorebird, easily distinguished from the pied oystercatcher by its all-black plumage, long red bill and bright red eyes.


At Booderee, you’ll frequently see sooty oystercatchers foraging around rocky shoreline areas like Murray’s Beach. Scottish Rocks is the perfect rocky platform to spot a pair of oystercatchers foraging for their dinner.

They are declared a vulnerable species in NSW.


Unlike their pied relatives, they prefer rocky shorelines where they hunt for molluscs, crabs and other crustaceans, marine worms, sea urchins and even starfish. Look for them using their long bills to stab at prey or to hammer open food.


Sooty oystercatchers regularly nest on Bowen Island, breeding in pairs, sharing the parenting duties and defending their breeding territory.


Like the pied oystercatchers, they utter a loud pita-peep and can also be heard piping while in flight.