Australian National Botanic Gardens

Here’s everything you need to know to ensure a safe, fun visit to the Gardens for you and your students.

First aid and emergencies

The school and accompanying teachers are responsible for providing any first aid treatment. Please bring along your own first-aid kit in case of accidents.

Make sure that any students with asthma have their asthma plans and medication on hand. Some pollens and grasses can cause allergies or make asthma worse.

In case of an emergency or incident please ask our staff for assistance:

  • Ranger guided programs – notify the ranger assigned to your group.
  • Teacher guided programs – contact the Duty Ranger on 0417 021 558.

Communication during your visit

Make sure that the number of the mobile phone you have with you is the same one you gave when you registered your group.

Keep your phone with you and turned on at all times during your visit in case we need to contact you for any reason.

Severe weather

For safety reasons we may need to partially or fully close the Gardens in times of severe winds, thunderstorms or total fire ban. In these cases, programs may be cancelled and schools with bookings will be contacted.

There is no cost to the school when a program is cancelled under these conditions, we will be very happy to reschedule your visit for another day.

Clothing and footwear

Please ensure that students come appropriately dressed for an outdoor learning experience.

For safety and comfort we recommend students wear comfortable clothing and closed shoes at all times. Sun hats and sunscreen are also recommended, especially during the warmer months.

If light rain or cold weather is expected please ask your students to bring waterproof jackets, beanies etc. Ponchos are available from the Education Office on request.

Pond safety

The Gardens have a number of open water bodies such as ponds. Students must be closely supervised by teachers or other responsible adults around bodies of water.

Hand washing

Students should wash their hands thoroughly before eating after participating in the Budding Botanist or Pond Dipping programs.


For further information on our school programs and events please contact the Education Office on 02 6250 9408 or