Australian National Botanic Gardens

Fridays & Saturdays 5 & 6 July, 12 & 13 July, 19 & 20 July at 10.15 am & 11.15 am — Rock Garden Friends Shelter & Eucalypt Lawn

Join children’s author Bronwyn Saunders for MEGAchats about MEGAfauna!

Each talk runs for approx. 40 minutes. Perfect for families, children must attend with an adult. Weather dependent.

Diprotodon Insights - discover facts about the largest marsupial to ever have lived

Travel back in time to the last Ice Age to discover how this giant creature lived, moved and ate - and how big they really were!

10.15 am at Rock Garden Friends Shelter

Who is the reptile champion of Australian Megafauna?

Explore the lives of Quinkana and Megalania and decide which was the carnivore reptile king of Australian megafauna.

11.15 am at Eucalypt Lawn

About the author

Bronwyn Saunders is a passionate citizen scientist who delights in sharing facts about Australia’s natural history with readers.

Her book Diprotodon: A megafauna journey is available from the Botanical Bookshop.


Fridays & Saturdays 5 & 6 July, 12 & 13 July, 19 & 20 July at 10.15 am & 11.15 am


Rock Garden Friends Shelter & Eucalypt Lawn

