Australian National Botanic Gardens

Frequently asked questions about Summer Sounds concerts

Is there an entry fee?

Yes, tickets are available online or at the door. Prices are:

  • $5.00   Adults
  • $3.00   Child and concession
  • FREE   3 years and under

No refunds are available for online tickets. However, online ticket holders can transfer to another concert night if a concert is cancelled.

All proceeds go to the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens to support future activities.

What time do the concerts start?

Summer Sounds begins with dancing on the lawn at 5.00 pm. The bands starts at 5.30 pm and finishes at 7.30 pm. You’re welcome to arrive early and make your way up to the Eucalypt Lawn.

What happens if it rains or the event is cancelled?

Summer Sounds will go ahead in light rain and we recommend you bring wet weather clothing and umbrellas. The concerts will be cancelled in the event of bad weather, storms and heavy winds or total fire bans. The Australian National Botanic Gardens will advertise on social media if a concert is cancelled for any reason. Ticket holders will be informed via email if a concert is cancelled and will be able to transfer to a later concert. No refunds will be available.

Is the event accessible to those with special requirements?

Wheelchair accessible parking is available and access for people with limited mobility is possible to most areas of the Gardens. The carpark is approximately a 10-min walk for an able bodied person on an undulating, sealed footpath.

A courtesy bus is available to take those with mobility limitations to the concert site, please ask concert staff for further information. There is also a wheelchair accessible toilet at the concert site.

Is there seating available?

No seating is supplied. If you have cushions and a picnic rug, feel free to bring them along. If you’re bringing camping chairs or similar which could block others’ view, please be mindful where you set up. Sunshades and marquees are prohibited.

Can I smoke at the event?

Summer Sounds is a non-smoking event.

Is there food and drinks available at the event?

Food and drinks will be available for purchase onsite or you can bring your own picnic. You are welcome to BYO alcohol and there will be a mobile bar onsite. Onsite catering include sweet and savory menu options.

Where is the best place to park?

There will be parking available at the Australian National Botanic Gardens, the overflow carpark off Clunies Ross Street and CSIRO carpark. Please do not park on Clunies Ross Street as this is not a legal parking area.