Christmas Island National Park

Latest news

Red crabs migrating.

Christmas cheer as the red crabs march on

Friday 5 January 2024

One of the world’s most fascinating migrations is now underway on Christmas Island in Australia’s Indian Ocean Territories, capturing the attention of wildlife lovers across the world.

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Margaret Knoll Lookout

New and improved Margaret Knoll Lookout

Friday 3 November 2023

A $2.9 million upgrade of the Margaret Knoll boardwalk and lookout at Christmas Island National Park has been completed. 

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Cat with christmas island pigeon, credit kirsty faulkner1.

Saving 15,000 native species by removing almost 300 cats

Wednesday 1 February 2023

In 2022, Parks Australia’s Christmas Island National Park staff saved more than 15,000 native species by removing almost 300 feral cats from the island.

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Christmas Island

Christmas Island COVID-19 – Update

Thursday 20 January 2022

The Administrator of Christmas Island and the Cocos Keeling Islands has mandated that ALL travellers to Christmas Island and the Cocos Keeling Islands must have spent at least 14 days in a “very low risk” jurisdiction, and must also be FULLY VACCINATED against Covid-19.

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Red crab migration on Christmas Island

Millions of crabs march on Christmas Island

Thursday 2 December 2021

Tens of millions of red crabs on Christmas Island are on the move from the forest to the coastline in one of the world’s great wildlife migrations.

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Blue-tailed skinks arrive on Pulu Blan Madar

Basking on tropical oasis after decade in captivity

Monday 12 July 2021

Despite torrential rain turning the Cocos runway into a water-logged skillet and the imminent threat of the Indian Ocean Territories closing its borders due to a COVID-19 threat, 165 of the world’s rarest reptiles have landed safely after a 6,000 km flight.

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Blue-tailed skink

Blue-tailed skink translocation update

Tuesday 18 May 2021

It has been just over one year since 300 captive-bred blue-tailed skinks (Cryptoblepharus egeriae) were translocated to a second island within the Cocos (Keeling) archipelago in an assisted colonisation trial.

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A picnic table made from 100% marine debris plastic has been purchased by Christmas Island National Park. Credit: Eco Crab Industries

Turning tables on marine debris by turning marine debris into tables

Thursday 13 May 2021

Christmas Island National Park, through Parks Australia, has purchased the first picnic table made entirely of marine debris produced by Eco Crab Industries. The stunning table is made from the equivalent of 95,000 plastic bottle lids with most of the table made from plastic rubbish picked up off some of Christmas Island’s more exposed beaches.

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Robber crab

The biggest thieving crab you’ve never heard of

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Hold on to your hat, here comes the Christmas Island robber crab… and he might just steal it.

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Skink, credit parks australia.

Second blue-tailed skink release looks positive

Monday 14 September 2020

On National Threatened Species Day last year (7 September 2019), 300 blue-tailed skinks (Cryptoblephaurus egeriae), extinct in the wild in their home range of Christmas Island, were released as part of a Conservation Introduction on the tiny, 2.08 ha island Pulu Blan, part of the Cocos (Keeling) atoll.

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Christmas Island

Christmas Island COVID-19 – Frequently asked questions

Tuesday 31 March 2020

A travel ban is in place to Christmas Island until further notice. Only residents and essential staff can enter the island. Residents, essential staff and their families returning to the island must self-isolate for two weeks.

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Baby crabs rock.

Behind-the-scenes support for red crab migration

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Watching the baby crabs return in such large numbers to the beaches of Christmas Island this week has been a particularly special event for the team at Christmas Island National Park.

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Monash University staff deploying a drone over a lesser frigate colony on Pulu Keeling National Park.

Flying high: Tracking seabirds using drones at Pulu Keeling National Park

Monday 23 December 2019

You might have seen Google’s recent attempts to deliver fast-food using drones, or even used one to take an aerial photo on holiday: but have you thought about what it would be like to join our feathered friends in the air to understand their behaviour and populations better?

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Red crabs - credit Chris Bray

The crab migration begins

Monday 9 December 2019

The weekend rain has triggered the annual march of the red crabs! Christmas Island's red crab migration is one of the most incredible natural phenomenons on Earth, and one that Sir David Attenborough described as among his all-time greatest television moments.

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Blowholes, credit wondrous world images.

Blowholes site and road temporarily closed

Friday 14 June 2019

The Blowholes site and road will be closed from 15 June 2019 until October 2019.

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Red crabs on beach, credit parks australia.

Ecotourism expressions of Interest

Sunday 31 January 2016

For the first time you have an opportunity to bring your ecotourism concept to Christmas Island National Park.

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