Kakadu National Park

The northern brown bandicoot is the largest of Australia’s six bandicoot species, weighing up to 2 kg when fully grown.

It has brindle fur, a pointy nose, round ears and a short tail.

Where to see it

Northern brown bandicoots are nocturnal, spending their days sleeping in camouflaged nests made from leaf litter and other debris. At night you might see them foraging in Kakadu’s woodlands, including near campsites.


Northern brown bandicoots use their long, sensitive noses to forage for insects, snails and small lizards. They also enjoy berries, fruit, seeds and fungi, which they dig up using their front paws.

They live a solitary life, only meeting up with other northern brown bandicoots to mate. Bandicoots breed up to four times a year and have the shortest gestation period of any marsupial – about 11 days.

The female bandicoot’s pouch faces backwards so it doesn’t fill up with dirt when she digs for food.

Other names

  • Scientific name: Isoodon macrourus