Kakadu National Park

No matter what time of year you visit Kakadu, there is always something to see and do.

Dry Season

(May to October)

This is the most popular time to visit, with most of our visitor sites open. It’s wise to book your accommodation in advance, as the hotels get busy at this time of year. This is a great time to visit our majestic waterfall sites, such as Jim Jim and Twin Falls.

Tropical summer

(November to April)

The tropical summer brings vivid green landscapes, spectacular flooding, electrifying afternoon storms and the chance to explore with fewer visitors. Flooding closes a number of attractions, but popular areas such as Burrungkuy (Nourlangie) and Yellow Water are open all year round. Board a scenic flight to see thundering waterfalls in full flow, when ground access is closed by flooding.


Curious about our seasons? Kakadu’s Aboriginal owners recognise six seasons, signposted by subtle changes in weather, what plants are in flower, and which bush foods are abundant.

Need some inspiration? Check out our suggested itineraries.

Learn about cultural burning and watch our fire safety video.

Park Opening Plan

Throughout the year Kakadu’s landscapes undergo dramatic seasonal changes. The Park Opening Plan outlines what we do to open visitor sites after the wet season, how we communicate and why we may need to close sites.