Kakadu National Park

Managing such a vast national park is a challenging business.

We work hard to keep Kakadu healthy – controlling weeds and feral animals, using traditional burning to guard against wildfire, and constantly seeking the best information through our monitoring and research partnerships.

You can find out more about the conservation work we do on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.

How you can help

Prevent wildfires

Make sure any cigarette butts and matches are completely extinguished. Put them in a rubbish bin, not on the ground.

Lighting a campfire? Use the designated fireplaces where available.

If no fireplaces are provided, clear the area around your campfire of any flammable material. Always put your campfire out before you leave.

Stop the spread of weeds

Check your vehicles, trailers and equipment for weeds and seeds before entering the park.

While in the park, stay on established roads and tracks and don’t enter any quarantine areas.

Keep Kakadu wild

Don’t feed the animals – it can harm their digestion and make them rely on humans for food.

Keep food safe in your car or an esky/cooler and secure all food scraps and other rubbish in the nearest bin.

Fire safety video