Kakadu National Park

The Parks Australia media team helps look after media, social media and web activity for Kakadu National Park.

Media enquiries

The media team can help provide advice on your story, and organise interviews and other opportunities.

Email: parksmedia@dcceew.gov.au

Phone: 0439 582 686 from Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm (AEST). Please do not send text messages to this number.

Media releases and news

To keep up-to-date on the latest news for Parks Australia and Kakadu National Park, visit our corporate news page or stay in touch with us via social media. Follow our blog, Facebook, Instagram or talk to us on X.


All commercial film crews, photographers, artists and sound recorders need to apply for a permit to carry out commercial work in Kakadu National Park. Click here to apply for a permit.


For hi-res images for Kakadu National Park, please visit our online media centre.