Kakadu National Park

A beautiful spot to sit quietly, look out over a sea of woodlands and escarpment cliffs, and enjoy Kakadu’s endless skies.

The walk leads from the shady picnic area at the Jim Jim Creek crossing to the top of a rocky outcrop.


As always, there are some delightful Kakadu scenes to enjoy - at times hundreds of common crow butterflies flutter about in the monsoonal rainforest along Jim Jim Creek. The tall Lophostemon trees (sometimes called red paperbarks) are a spectacular sight and a great spot to observe noisy families of spangled drongos, sulfur-crested and red-tailed black cockatoos.

As you step out in the open, there’s only a short climb to the lookout. Enjoy the 360° views of rugged Escarpment Country and the densely vegetated Jim Jim Creek at your feet.


This is also an interesting spot for geology enthusiasts. Look for the dark granite rock which is a grand 1800 million years old, and was exposed for 100 million years before Kambolgie sandstone (lighter tan rock) was deposited on top of it, just 1650 million years ago!

This walk is a great addition to a trip to Jim Jim Falls, if you have the time.


Staying safe at Kakadu

We want you to have a fantastic holiday that’s memorable for all the right reasons. Kakadu is a wild place – here are our tips to help you be Crocwise and stay safe, particularly near waterways!

Please read our safety information

Watch our safety video

See the access report for more details.

Type of walk

Return track

Walk grade


Walk distance

1 km

Time required

45 minutes