Kakadu National Park

Camping and bushwalking permit applications for the 2024 dry season will open on 1 February 2024.

Jarrangbarnmi (Koolpin) gorge is a stunning gorge hidden in the southern region of Kakadu.

Take a short walk to sparkling plunge pools and waterfalls at the start of the gorge or explore 2 km up the gorge without a bushwalking permit.

An unforgettable way to spend a day surrounded by rugged cliffs and lush greenery.

Download our PDF guide to the Jarrangbarnmi area


Beautiful and fragile, Jarrangbarnmi is home to some particularly rare species. The hooded parrot is only found in the hilly and dry open forest and Woodland Country of this area. It nests in termite mounds where its eggs are incubated.

Keep an eye out for the brightly coloured Gouldian finch and the barrk (black wallaroo).

Saltwater crocodiles are found in the creek alongside the campground and vegetation pool, so don’t swim or collect water in either. Please pay attention to all signage and permit conditions.


Jarrangbarnmi was created by the Jawoyn creation ancestors. The name comes from the Jawoyn words ‘jarrang’, meaning flood or big water flow, and ‘barn’, meaning rift or gap.


Bush camping is available beside Koolpin Creek. Access is by permit only. Apply for your permit well in advance to avoid missing out.


You’ll need a permit to bushwalk or camp here

You can apply for a camping permit or permit to access Jarrangbarnmi (Koolpin Gorge) on the DCCEEW website. Please allow seven days for processing. For more information please contact the permits officer on +61 (08) 8938 1140 or at kakadu.permits@dcceew.gov.au

Staying safe at Kakadu

We want you to have a fantastic holiday that’s memorable for all the right reasons. Kakadu is a wild place – here are our tips to help you be Crocwise and stay safe, particularly near waterways!

Please read our safety information

Watch our safety video

See the access report for more details.


Type of walk

Return track

Walk grade

Moderate to difficult

Walk distance

2 km

Time required

1 hour 30 minutes