Kakadu National Park

See how local Aboriginal people lived in this area through changing times. Environmental and social changes are reflected in the rock art and in the ground, where archaeologists have discovered evidence of many thousands of years of occupation.

This is a collection of three main sites that include Burrungkuy (Nourlangie), Kunwarddewardde Lookout and Anbangbang shelter.

At the main rock art site, Anbangbang gallery, learn about creation ancestors including Namarrgon, the Lightning Man.

Aboriginal people lived here in the wet seasons, harvesting a variety of plants, such as waterlilies, and as many as 70 types of animals including goanna, fish, freshwater mussels and birds.

In the large flat rocks on the shelter floor are grinding holes used for preparing food and probably ochres for painting.

The path to the main gallery is flat and accessible to disabled people. Flights of steps lead to the other art and occupation sites.

Site accessibility

  • 2WD

See the access report for more details.