Australian Marine Parks

Parks Australia is seeking comments on the Draft South-east Marine Parks Network Management Plan. Please visit the consultation hub to make a submission.

The South-east Marine Parks Advisory Committee promotes the involvement, engagement and collaboration of marine park users, stakeholders and local communities in the management of the 14 marine parks in the region..

The Committee brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise across a range of topics relevant to marine park management, including tourism, fishing, sea country, marine transport, science, conservation, governance, communications and engagement.

Committee members will work with Parks Australia staff to shape the management of Australian Marine Parks, providing advice on marine issues at a regional level and strengthening our understanding of park user interests and issues.

This collaborative approach to management is critical to achieving our vision of healthy, resilient and well-managed marine parks that deliver benefits for all Australians.

There will be a minimum of two meetings per year.


Committee Members are appointed for a two year term. The current members are:

Russell Gueho

Russell Gueho (Chair)

Russell is the Director of East Marine Parks section in the Marine and Island Parks Branch of Parks Australia. He oversees management of the Coral Sea Marine Park, the Temperate East and the South-east Networks.

Russell has an extensive background in marine and terrestrial wildlife management (natural resource management) and has held the roles of Park Manager for Kakadu National Park and Director of Authorisations and Compliance within Parks Australia.  

Russell operated his own nature-based tourism business in the Kimberley and has extensive experience in tertiary education including lecturing and managing diverse teams in the TAFE system in multiple states. He has a species of carnivorous plant (Byblis guehoi) named after him and has also published two natural history books on the Kimberley region of Western Australia.  

Russell has an interest in climate change adaptation and management and is keen to support research and monitoring that informs best practice management of Australian Marine Parks.

Neville Barrett

Neville Barrett

Neville is a marine biologist with a research focus on marine protected areas design and monitoring, and sustainable use of temperate coastal ecosystems.

Neville established a marine habitat monitoring program in Tasmania that underpinned the development of State marine parks and has played a central role in developing marine park research and monitoring programs in all temperate Australian states. These long-term datasets contribute to our understanding of patterns of biodiversity, the nature of long-term and short-term natural variability, and the extent that human activities impact coastal species and ecological processes.

Neville is currently Associate Professor at the University of Tasmania where he drives collaborative research on temperate reef systems across Australia and he also leads the University’s engagement with the National Environmental Research Program Marine Biodiversity Hub.

Neville will bring a wealth of scientific expertise to the advisory committee and extensive networks with Australian and international researchers.

Jane Gallichan

Jane Gallichan

Jane is a dedicated advocate for recreational fishing with over a decade of experience in community engagement and marine resources management in Tasmania.

As the Chief Executive Officer of the Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing (TARFish), Jane brings the views and experiences of recreational fishing opportunities and issues across the South-East Marine Region.

Jane routinely provides advice to government, engages with the broad spectrum of recreational fishers, the commercial sector, and other stakeholders, and believes that decision making must be supported by robust science and best fishing practice.

Hank Horton

Hank Horton

Hank is an Elder, keeper and protector of Culture in his local community in northern Tasmania. He is an active member of the Indigenous community, taking a lead role in promoting Aboriginal Culture through his work as an educator and traditional artist.

Hank brings a wealth of board and committee experience and is adept at proving advice to government at local, State and Federal levels on wide range of Indigenous and land management issues. He currently sits on the Tasmanian National Parks & Wildlife Advisory Council, providing management advice on Tasmanian World Heritage Areas & National Parks.

Hank is well connected with land managers and other stakeholders across the State and works hard to promote the improved management of Aboriginal heritage values.

Shannon Hurley

Shannon Hurley

Shannon has more than six years’ experience in environmental management and advocacy.

In 2018, Shannon joined Victoria’s peak non-government conservation organisation, the Victorian National Parks Association, to protect the state’s unique marine and coastal environments. In this role, her primary responsibilities include advocating for the protection of our seas and shores by engaging in government processes including policy, management, and planning, in addition to empowering the community to take action.

Previously, Shannon worked for Parks Victoria undertaking marine planning, monitoring and education, and for the Australian Marine Conservation Society to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Shannon is a keen scuba diver and passionate about shark conservation and promoting sustainable seafood choices.

Tony Koslow

Tony Koslow

Tony is an internationally recognised oceanographer with research interests in fisheries, ocean observation systems, deep-sea ecology, and biological oceanography.

He previously led the deep-water ecology program at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and was instrumental in securing the initial protection of Tasmania’s iconic seamounts, now within the South-east Marine Parks Network. Latterly, he directed the Scripps Institution of Oceanography California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, the world’s oldest multidisciplinary ocean observation program.

Tony’s research focused on the impacts of climate on the fish communities of the California Current. He is author of the prize-winning book, The Silent Deep, and was awarded the Don McAllister Medal for Marine Conservation.

He will bring invaluable committee experience, having previously participated in fora such as the Integrated Ocean Observing System Advisory Committee and the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative Steering Committee.

Marg O'Toole

Marg O'Toole

Marg is passionate about the marine environment and has contributed to coastal and marine research, planning, management and environmental education in Victoria for over 30 years.

Marg is a skilled marine science communicator and currently runs her own environmental interpretation and education business. She previously worked as a ranger with Parks Victoria and has authored a range of marine communications products that help visitors interact with local habitats and marine protected areas in a more meaningful way.

She regularly shares her marine knowledge through school education and community programs, and previously at Deakin University as a lecturer. In her spare time, she is a paediatric nurse.

John Whittington

John Whittington

Dr John Whittington is the Chief Executive of the Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd. In his role, he supports world class, collaborative, industry focused research, development and training that underpins the growth of Australia’s Blue Economy through increased offshore sustainable aquaculture and renewable energy production.

Previously, John was responsible for the conservation and management of Tasmania’s natural reserve estate with the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.

John has led major research, development and extension programs and portfolios in fisheries, animal and plant health, and conservation science and will be a great addition to the committee.

Melanie Mackenzie

Melanie Mackenzie

As a Collection Manager for Marine Invertebrates at Museums Victoria, Mel is responsible for ensuring long-term viability and access to a vast library of physical specimens for scientific research, public exhibitions, and educational programs. She collaborates with Australian museums, researchers, and citizen scientists, and is passionate about protection, conservation and management of our species and environments.

Mel contributes to biodiversity surveys and research projects through specimen collection and curation, logistics and data management. She also has a research interest in holothuroid (sea cucumber) taxonomy and has volunteered on both marine intertidal surveys and even dinosaur digs along the Victorian coast. Mel has been lucky enough to join several British Antarctic Survey research voyages to survey biodiversity in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic waters and has worked in many of Australia’s Marine Parks through research voyages on the RV Investigator from Tasmania to the Coral Sea and our Indian Ocean Territories.

Mark Rodrigue

Mark Rodrigue

Mark is a marine and coastal management specialist with a passion for education, partnerships, and building community stewardship for protected areas.

Mark has over 25 years professional experience and currently works with Parks Victoria in the management of Victoria’s marine protected area network leading programs to address key threats including marine invasive species, visitor impacts, and climate change impacts. Prior to this Mark was a science, biology, and outdoor education teacher and worked for over a decade in delivering marine education programs for schools and the community.

Mark lives in Barwon Heads and is an active volunteer with local environment groups. He is an enthusiastic snorkeller and diver and when not working can often be found with his head underwater in the Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary.

Dr Heidi Mumme

Dr Heidi Mumme

Dr Heidi Mumme has a background in marine and environmental biology with over 20 years experience working in fisheries and aquaculture throughout Australia. She is currently the Director of MI-Fish Consulting and is a facilitator on the National Seafood Industry Leadership Program.

Heidi has a diverse knowledge and skills base spanning technical, operational, research and management aspects across the seafood industry and through her work liaises extensively with a diverse range of community, industry and government stakeholders. Dr Heidi Mumme has a background in marine and environmental biology with over 20 years experience working in fisheries and aquaculture throughout Australia. She is currently the Director of MI-Fish Consulting and is a facilitator on the National Seafood Industry Leadership Program.
Heidi has a diverse knowledge and skills base spanning technical, operational, research and management aspects across the seafood industry and through her work liaises extensively with a diverse range of community, industry and government stakeholders.

Learn more about what’s being discussed at committee meetings and related content.

Meeting Communiques

After every meeting, we’ll summarise discussion topics and important points in a meeting communique.

Get in touch

Would you like to know more about the South-east Marine Parks Advisory Committee? Are you interested in presenting at a meeting, providing information about a relevant issue, event or project, or contacting a member?

For all these inquiries and more, please email the Committee Secretariat.