Australian Marine Parks

A summary of an expert workshop convened in Perth, Western Australia, September 2007. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2007.


About the report

This paper summarises the outcomes and discussions of a scientific workshop convened in Perth, Western Australia in September 2007 by the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.

The objective of this workshop was to characterise the marine environment of the North-west Marine Region in a way that improves the Department’s understanding of how the Region’s natural systems work.

More specifically, the Department’s aims for the workshop were:

  • to characterise functional systems within the Region on the basis of their location, their biological and physical components and how these interact
  • to understand links across functional systems and the broad scale drivers of ecosystem function across the Region, including the importance of the interface between functional systems and the key processes that link neighbouring systems
  • to identify the key areas of uncertainty in our understanding of the Region’s ecological systems, as well as identify those areas for which empirical evidence is available.