Australian Marine Parks

Bureau of Rural Sciences. Jacki Schirmer, Anne Maree Casey and Nicki Mazur. Report prepared for Department of Environment and Heritage, 2004.


Cod Grounds assessment cover


This report provides an assessment of potential social and economic impacts of the proposed Cod Grounds Marine Protected Area (MPA).

This assessment provides information to help support subsequent decision-making about the proposed MPA.

This report provides a brief background to the proposed Cod Grounds MPA, and the scope of the SEIA undertaken, including the methods used for the SEIA. The report then provides:

  • a history of fishing in the region, including key changes affecting fishers in the region
  • profile of current and historical fishing on the Cod Grounds
  • potential impacts of the proposed MPA on fishing businesses that (a) currently fish the Cod Grounds, (b) have a history of fishing on the Cod Grounds, and/or (c) would be affected by fishing displaced from the Cod Grounds
  • potential impact of the proposed MPA on fishers and fishing families
  • potential mitigation strategies for fishing businesses and fishing families
  • Potential impacts of the proposed MPA on fishing co-operatives
  • a profile of the socio-economic characteristics of the area in which fishers and fish cooperatives are located and how this affects potential impacts of the proposed MPA on them.

Key factors that should be considered when developing any subsequent policies aimed at mitigating impacts if the proposed MPA is declared are then discussed.