Australian Marine Parks

J. J. Fox and S. Sen. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University and FERM Report for Environment Australia, 2002.


Executive Summary

Given the reported levels of depletion of trochus and trepang in the MOU Box, the protection of the remaining populations at Ashmore and Cartier Marine Reserves is now considered critical.

As part of a longer term strategy to manage resources in the MOU Box and develop alternative incomes for Indonesian fishers who fish in the Box, Environment Australia commissioned this study on socio-economic issues facing traditional Indonesian fishers who access the MOU box.

The aim of the study is to provide a thorough understanding and awareness of the socio-economic issues facing Indonesian fishers who fish in the MOU Box and a knowledge base from which alternative livelihoods can be explored.

Although the study focus is on Indonesian fishers who are legally allowed to fish in the MOU Box, the information presented in this report also covers Indonesian fishers who fish illegally in the Australian Fishing Zone because, in many cases, they originate from the same fishing communities and often have had past associations with fishing in the MOU Box.