Australian Marine Parks

National Oceans Office, 2002. Final report. The South-east Regional Marine Plan IRC Environment.


About the report

This report presents IRC Environment’s (IRCE) independent technical review of the two matrices (Ocean Environs Vs. Disturbance and Activity Vs. Disturbance) for the National Oceans Office.

This review included an assessment of the construction of the matrices, assessment of consistency within the matrices, a literature search and targeted discussions with experts, and the identification of ‘missing information’.

Section 1 of the report provides a brief background, explaining the requirement for an independent technical review of the two matrices, which have been developed to summarise the range of potential impacts on the natural system within the South-east Marine Region.

Section 2 outlines the methodology used during this review.

Section 3 provides a summary of the results of the independent technical review and documents the recommended changes to the construct of the matrices, based on the assessment of over 1200 individual cells.

Finally, the results of the literature search and updated copies of the two matrices, incorporating most of the recommended changes, are provided.